The Eternals, a race of immortal beings with superhuman powers who have secretly lived on Earth for thousands of years, reunite to battle the evil Deviants.
The movie goes back and forth between past and present showing us all things the eternals participated in history, including helping them advance their technology to the point humans make the bomb that hit Hiroshima and the conquistadors conquest through America. As well as all the times they protected the world from the alien monster called the Deviants up until the 1500s as they thought they had killed the last of them.
Thena is the one that sparks them all to split by attacking the group but she doesn't kill anyone. Ajak the leader wants to erase her memories to prevent more attacks but Gilgamesh steps up and says he'll take her and keep everyone safe. Druig ensues into a deep monologue about how he doesn't like standing on the side lines while humans slaughter each other, so he takes some of the nearby fighting humans and leaves. Gilgamesh and Thena go off and live in Australia together. Sprite and Sersi become companions during the time when Ikaris leaves Sersi. Sersi starts dating Dane Whitman and teaching at a primary school. Kingo travels the world and eventually becomes a popular Bollywood actor, even going as far as pretending to be his own descendants within a fake family so he can keep acting. Druig starts a colony in the Amazon. Phastos goes and lives his life by having a family, he has a husband and a son. Makkari has been living in their ship for centuries. If you are expecting more, you are on a long thing, go download now.....
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